Lionheart Health Longevity Wellness MedSpa Partnership Information
“Aging is inevitable poor health does not have to be.”
“Aging gracefully they say. To heck with aging gracefully! I am going to fight aging with everything I have for as long as I can using every tool and help available I can find to help me. Do people take cancer gracefully? Heart failure gracefully? NO they fight it will all that technology has to offer and with all their might and strength. I am going to do that with aging myself and I hope you do as well.” Dr. Amy Killen, Medical Advisor to Lionheart Health, and world renowned speaker on longevity and wellness.
Do you want to help people feel better, look better, be less depressed, work harder, be less addictive, have better memory and cognitive function, suppress risk of cancers, have better sexual health and enjoy a high quality of life for a longer? Lionheart Health, Inc. is here to help you do that! This is something you can be excited to wake up to do every day! More people than ever are engaging actively with technologies, tools and human help to extend their lives in a healthy way. You can be the “go to” destination where people in your region seeking not only a more youthful appearance but also higher energy, vigor and better long term health, including revived sexual health, go to in order to get the advanced cutting edge treatments they highly desire and need.

“It’s clear that the longevity market is on the up and set for explosive growth as the baby boomers age and like no other generation before are taking proactive action in improving their healthspan.”
– Founder Lionheart Health, Inc., Howard J. Leonhardt
Hair + Skin
Lionheart Health offers patented technologies, particularly in bioelectric signaling controlled regenerative and anti-aging protein expressions, that no other MedSpa is able to offer and has a steady stream of new products including one of a kind new inventions coming.
It is our hope that nearly every quarter you will have a new proprietary anti-aging protein expression bioelectric signaling sequence to download as an upgrade to your suite of devices, so you always stay above and ahead of what other MedSpas in your area are able to offer.
Lionheart Health Longevity Wellness MedSpa’s goal is to help people take on fighting aging with all that they can with what the best available cutting edge technologies can do. To manage chronic pain especially joint inflammation, accelerate the healing of injuries, restore and enhance athleticism, improve sexual health, restore youthful appearance, energy and vigor, recover from addiction, improvement memory and cognitive function, improve bladder function, improve gut microbiota health, and improve the longevity of health.
Lionheart Health is longevity healthspan focused company with one of a kind patented technologies for rejuvenation not available from any other source.
Over 5000 published studies validate the core technologies of Lionheart Health in establishing a clear link between accelerated aging, and thus all aging related ailments, with protein levels such as klotho, sirtuins, sestrins, follistatin, SDF1, PDGF, COL17A1 and tropoelastin.
Leonhardt Ventures LLC the founding member of Lionheart Health, Inc. has been working on organ regeneration and wellness since the 1980’s. No other group in the world has more experience than our core team in applying the convergence of bioelectrics and biologics in fighting aging and in organ regeneration. We collaborated with Dr. Robert O. Becker, author of the landmark book The Body Electric, in 1987 in bioelectric wound healing and limb salvage studies. We made our first muscle cells injections to heal a damaged heart in 1988 working with our long standing research collaborator Dr. Race Kao which was published in The Physiologist in 1989. In 1999 we published in the Journal Circulation of the American Heart Association our first peer reviewed paper on bioelectric based regeneration and healing. In 2001 our core team led a team in The Netherlands that completed the first ever non-surgical muscle stem cell repair of a damaged human heart. Over 600,000 patients have been treated with Leonhardt patented medical device inventions since the 1980’s.
Lionheart Health Longevity Wellness MedSpas has proprietary and unique offering in these categories.
• Prevention – prevent damage that causes aging
• Diagnosis – early identification of aging damage
• Treatment – treatment of damage that has occurred
• Rejuvenation – reversal of damage that has occurred
• Beauty – reversal of aging damage to appearance
With specific propriety products in these categories…
1. Skin regeneration.
2. Hair regeneration and hair removal.
3. Sexual health treatments.
4. Body toning and sculpting.
5. Bioelectric breast augmentation.
6. Bioelectric blood pressure management.
7. Bladder function improvement.
8. Gut microbiota treatment.
9. Knee and other arthritis joint treatments.
10. Better breathing and sleep apnea treatments.
11. Testosterone and hormone management.
12. DNA and blood test based customized nutrition.
13. Cardiometabolic management.
14. Augmented exercise with bioelectric stimulation.
15. Multi-modality aging reversal technologies.
16. Vision and hearing recovery.
17. Varicose vein treatments.
18. Wound healing. Diabetic neuropathy treatment.
19. Inflammation management include bowels.
20. Better smiles.
21. Brain health.
22. Addiction treatment.
Partnership Packages and Add Ons
1. Basic Lionheart Health Longevity and Wellness Partnership Package = Skin, Hair, Body Toning.
Add ons…
1. Sexual health.
2. Sports medicine rehabilitation.
3. Breast augmentation.
4. Biologics suite for skin, hair, sexual health, breasts and more.
5. Blood pressure management.
6. Bladder health.
7. Gut microbiota health.
8. Better breathing.
9. Vision and hearing recovery.
10. Depression treatment.
11. Memory and cognitive function improvement.
12. Addiction treatment.
13. Customized nutrition.
14. Exercise augmentation program.
Why You May Want to Start a Lionheart Health Longevity Wellness MedSpa Partnership
Lionheart Health Longevity Wellness MedSpa is a brand for individuals looking to better other people’s lives. If you feel the call to serve others, this company offers you the opportunity to help them improve their productivity, renew their youthful vigor, including cognitive function and memory and ease their body pains.
Lionheart Health has patented one of a kind advanced technologies not available from any other source in bioelectric signaling control of key age reversal and organ regeneration promoting protein expressions such as SDF1 and PDGF for stem cell homing, klotho, follistatin, sirtuins, tropoelastin, COL17A1 and more. These protein expressions, backed by more and more accumulating data, are intended to contribute to rejuvenate the human body into an elevated state of wellness.
Having created a new market, bioelectric driven wellness (backed by hundreds of issued U.S. patent claims), that has little competition, Lionheart Health is well-positioned to help YOU as a partnership owner to experience phenomenal success.
Business Model with Some Proven Success Already
Lionheart Health Longevity Wellness Medpas provide partnerships with a proven business model (validated by great previous success in Brazil and in clinical studies) and refined operations that allow you to offer your customers uniquely advanced personal health care. Our proprietary equipment may have no match because we have refined electronics equipped with patented bioelectric signaling sequences and more to help you give your clients ultimate health wellness.
Our OEM private label manufacturing partner in Brazil for MedSpa and Physical Therapy Rehabilitation equipment, founded in 1999, had over $125 million in sales last year primarily just in Brazil. They employ more than 400 people and just acquired land next to the current manufacturing facility and are expanding their manufacturing capacity dramatically to keep up with growing demand. Their R&D innovation team and our R&D innovation team work hand in hand in developing a steady stream of new products.
Our U.S. manufacturing partner for electrical stimulator in Anaheim, California (just a few minutes from our headquarters) has been in the medical device manufacturing business since 1957 and has dozens of FDA market clearances for improving blood circulation, muscle treatments, joint treatments, pain and inflammation management and prevention of blood clotting. They have delivered over over 100,000 devices to customers over the years with an excellent quality record without a single serious adverse event since 1957.
Our OEM manufacturing partner for bioelectric suits and customized health and exercise management software in Europe has provided more than 100,000 treatments to patients in 77 countries including 500 professional exercise trainers.
Growth Will Come from Happy Clients Referring New Customers to You
We believe your business will grow through local referrals as your clients share with their friends, co-workers, family and neighbors how much better they feel after getting the Lionheart Health suite of rejuvenation treatments. Those same friends, co-workers, family and neighbors will see in your clients a more youthful, glowing like, more healthy and toned physical appearance as well. This will cause many of them to come to your partnership location for treatments themselves. Some of your clients will go to social media to post their incredible results they received from your Lionheart Health Longevity Wellness MedSpa location and this will drive many new clients to your door! Your business will go by referrals that cost you less than other marketing methods!
What Might Make Lionheart Health Longevity Wellness MedSpa a Good Choice?
When you sign a partnership agreement with Lionheart Health Inc., it lasts for one decade and is renewable for reasonable sum. The brand has extensive partnerships with third-party lenders and suppliers that can help you finance startup costs, equipment, inventory, and payroll. We provide access to a full suite of marketing support tools available such as SEO, online marketing, social media, and website development. You will have help from the company and its network of service providers to assist your partnership location in many forms. We are linked to a number of MedSpa focused marketing assistance firms that can help invigorate your local marketing campaign to get more clients to your door.
We also offer you the partnership extensive training opportunities. We make available dozens of hours of on-the-job training, Zoom video conference training and also session opportunities to have more than 30 hours of classroom training. This training may be at our beautiful modern training facility in Irvine California or at your location or a nearby location designated for training purposes. We offer help with site selection support, online support, training videos, training workshops, special exhibit booth training sessions, partnership communication platform, and software tools to help with all aspects of business growth and development. We will hold workshops on a regular basis at many regional and national conferences where you will be able to attend for free or at discounted prices.
Lionheart Health is supported by the Leonhardt Ventures LLC Scientific Advisory Board of some of the most influential leaders in organ regeneration and longevity healthspan research.
Leonhardt Ventures LLC the parent company of Lionheart Health, Inc. sponsors on going research in collaboration with its innovation accelerator subsidiary Leonhardt’s Launchpads located at University Lab Partners in Irvine, California in a fully staffed laboratory with access to over $4 million in research and development equipment. Every day this R&D team is working on new innovations including new bioelectric controlled protein expressions to help products for organ rejuvenation perform better including designing and testing of new improved organ interfaces.
You can count on a steady stream of new innovations coming your way as a Lionheart Health Longevity Wellness MedpSpa partnership.
How To Open a Lionheart Health Longevity Wellness MedSpa Partnership
If you are interested in starting a Lionheart Health Longevity Wellness MedSpa partnership, you should make sure you’re financially ready for an initial investment made up of a partnership fee and other startup costs. You should also prepare yourself for the existence of ongoing costs that will include advertising, royalty, and renewal fees. Partnership need to meet the company’s set net worth and liquid capital requirements (see below).
We highly recommend for you to engage a financial advisor and an attorney to ensure that you are financially sound enough to own and operate a Lionheart Health Longevity Wellness MedSpa partnership and that you clearly understand all terms of the partnership agreement you are signing.
Once your application and request to begin a partnership are reviewed and approved you will be notified and after signatures on applicable agreements are in place and initial startup fees are paid >>> You will then be a proud partnership of Lionheart Health Longevity Wellness MedSpa on your way to making a mark on the world of health care!
All of the processing above can be completed within about 3 weeks with a good complete application filing.
Company Overview
About Lionheart Health, Inc. and
Lionheart Health Longevity Wellness MedSpas
Personal-Care Businesses
Related Categories
Miscellaneous Personal-Care Businesses, Health & Wellness
Parent company Leonhardt Ventures LLC founded in 1982 (HJ Leonhardt & Co.) and became in LLC in 2005. Leonhardt Ventures LLC has brought to market a number of medical device inventions with over $1 billion in annual sales today. Over 600,000 patients have been treated with Leonhardt inventions – TALENT stent graft, StentValve, PolyCath and more.
Howard J. Leonhardt, Executive Chairman & CEO
Matt Fendrich, VP of Sales Development
Partnership Overview
Licensing Since
NEW for 2022
Get in on the ground floor!
Where seeking
This company is seeking new partnership throughout the US.
This company is seeking new partnership worldwide.
Partnership Information
Corporate Address
1 Kent Court
Mission Viejo, CA 92694
Information for Partnership
Here’s what you need to know if you’re interested in opening a Lionheart Health Longevity Wellness MedSpa partnership.
Financial Requirements & Ongoing Fees
Here’s what you can expect to spend to start the business and what ongoing fees the partner charges throughout the life of the business.
Initial Partnership Fee
$125,000 for basic package skin, hair, body toning and sculpting
$15K for each add on package ie; sexual health, blood pressure management, breast augmentation etc.
Initial Investment
$650,000 – $1,985,000
Net Worth Requirement
Cash Requirement
Veteran Incentives
20% off partnership fee
Royalty Fee
Ad Royalty Fee
Term of Agreement
10 years
Is partnership term renewable?
Yes- $150,000 fee for each 10 year partnership = just $15,000 annually.
Financing Options
Some partners offer in-house financing, while others have relationships with third-party financing sources to which they refer qualified partnership.
Third Party Financing
Lionheart Health, Inc. has relationships with third-party sources which offer financing to cover the following: partnership fee, startup costs, equipment, inventory, accounts receivable, payroll
Training & Support Offered
Partners offer initial training programs and a variety of ongoing support options to help partners run their businesses.
On-The-Job at Your Clinic Training from a Lionheart Health Visiting Specialist
30-50 hours
Classroom and Conference WorkshopsTraining
40 hours
Ongoing Support
• Newsletters
• Meetings & Conventions
• Grand Opening
• Online Support
• Security & Safety Procedures
• Lease Negotiation
• Field Operations
• Site Selection
• Proprietary Software
• Partnership Intranet Platform
• Marketing Support
• Co-op Advertising
• Ad Templates
• National Media
• Regional Advertising
• Social Media
• Website Development
• Email Marketing
• Loyalty Program/App
Additional details about running this partnership.
Is absentee ownership allowed?
Yes with qualified personnel in place verified.
Can this partnership be run part time?
Are exclusive territories available?
Yes for an extra $50K partnership