Training & Certification Program
Over 900 professionals have been trained on our base EMS suits by our partner firm Wiemspro. Our Mettler Electronics Anaheim, CA OEM manufactured devices have been used to treat over 100,000 patients since 1957. Our HTM Electronics OEM manufactured products have been used to treat over 200,000 patients since 1999 in the areas of injury recovery, physical therapy, muscle building, joint pain relief, skin and hair regeneration and body toning/sculpting.

Extending Vitality Through Bioelectric Protein Expression and Bioelectric Enhanced Biologics Science
No other team in the world has more experience with regenerative and bioelectric therapies than the founding team of Lionheart Health. Since 1982 they have been innovating. Working with Dr. Robert O. Becker the Author of The Body Electric in the mid-1980s on bioelectric regeneration research. In 1988 with Dr. Race Kao and Dr. George Magovern they regenerated their first organ with muscle stem cells. The repaired their first aortic aneurysm in a clinical patient in Australia in 1995.They implanted their first biological pacemaker in 1990. In 1999 they published their first bioelectric regeneration peer reviewed article in Circulation The Journal of the American Heart Association. In 2001 they led the team that completed the first clinical non-surgical regeneration of a damaged heart in The Netherlands. Over 1000 patients have been enrolled in clinical studies and evaluations of Lionheart Health and its partner companies products including those for sexual health, hair and skin regeneration, joint health, wound healing, vision recovery, mental health, kidney and bladder health, blood pressure management, body toning, muscle recovery, arthritis treatment, non surgical breast volume augmentation, better breathing, testosterone therapy, inflammation modulation and more.
The team has over 700 patent claims issued, pending, licensed, optioned or in process related to organ regeneration, healthspan extension or healing.
Lionheart Health has developed an unmatched healthcare education platform to serve you. Designed to provide physicians and thus patients access to a fuller continuum of tools to extend healthspan, prevent disease onset and heal more rapidly when needed. We teach clinicians how to address the early indicators of aging, such as decline in circulating klotho levels, for each unique patient. We offer training on cutting edge unique bioelectric protein expression based therapies and bioelectric enhanced biologics.
- Full curriculum on how to leverage bioelectric protein expression methods for dozens of applications.
- Full curriculum on how to utilize bioelectric enhanced biologic therapies for better patient outcomes.
- Full education suite on the importance of klotho, sestrins, sirtuins, NANOG, SDF1, PDGF, BDNF, Tropoelastin and to healthspan and healing.
The Lionheart Health Method: Clinician Education, Training, & Practice Support
Our cutting-edge, proprietary medical protocols deliver a lifetime of personalized patient care and individual programs based on specific conditions and patient goals.
We educate providers on:
- Bioelectric protein expression science.
- Bioelectric enhanced biologics therapies including PRF, amniotic fluid, Wharton’s Jelly, selected exosomes, stem cells, peptides, nutrient hydrogel and more.
- Deploying data-driven diagnostics from blood tests and genetics.
- The use of artificial intelligence tools to improve patient outcomes.
- Tactical dispensing of innovative wellness resources
- Training on use of patches and micro pumps.
- Gut microbiota health management.
- Sexual health optimization.
- Healthspan optimization.
- Hair regeneration and removal.
- Skin regeneration.
- Body toning and sculpting.
- Non-surgical breast augmentation.
- Mental health therapies.
- Blood pressure management.
- Better breathing and sleeping tools.
- Diabetes management and possibly reversal.
- Healthy weight-loss programs.
- Hormone optimization protocols and tools.
- Complementary roles of nutraceuticals and other supplements
Training on the Lionheart Health Method helps physicians and professionals to consistently deliver individualized care that patients value.
Training For Providers & Their Teams
Lionheart Health By The Numbers:
- 700+ patent claims.
- 20+ top tier medical advisors.
- 3 experienced MedSpa operator advisors.
- 6 training faculty members.
- 40+ experienced mentors in various specialties.
Training in Complementary Protocols Ensures Individualized Patient Care & Best Results
More than healthspan optimization alone, Lionheart Health offers training and education for a variety of tools and protocols including sexual health optimization, mental health, joint health, non-surgical breast volume augmentation, body toning/sculpting, skin regeneration, hair regeneration, hair removal, muscle injury recovery, memory and cognitive function improvement, addiction recovery methods, yoga therapy, better breathing and sleep, diabetes management, blood pressure modulation tools, healthy weight loss techniques, gut microbiota health and more.
Lionheart Curated Healthier Aging Nutraceuticals
Lionheart Health’s curated nutraceutical formulations from partner suppliers such as HopBox can be a an important component of healthier aging. Our line of essential nutraceuticals provide important nutritional support for vitamin and mineral deficiencies that may have created health deficits that have often been accumulating for years.
Lionheart Health Prescription Therapeutics
Bioelectric protein expressions (particularly klotho), Biologics and Peptides are found in every cell and tissue and perform a wide range of essential functions. Biological messengers carry information from one tissue through the blood to another. Lionheart Health has developed patient-specific therapies that may provide a health advantage that further supports healthy aging and healthspan extension.Bioelectric protein expression, bioelectric enhanced biologics and peptides not only support healthspan optimization, they also serve to potentially optimize the cell’s efficiency to handle stressors, oxidization, endothelial dysfunction, calcification, blood pressure and inflammation.They may also enhance libido and overall sexual health. They can possibly even improve memory, cognitive function and mental health including relief from depression and addiction. They may support the efficiency of intestinal absorption, improve recovery time, optimize liver, heart, and brain efficiency, optimize sleep and breathing, and increase fat burning and lean muscle mass building. Lionheart Health working with partner OEM manufactures has FDA market clearance for augmenting the benefits of exercise especially in building more muslce more quickly, improving circulation, pain/inflammation relief, muscle toning and muscle injury and atrophy recovery, arthritis treatment including osteoarthritis and for preventing blood clots after surgery. Inventions developed by our experienced founding team have treated more than 600,000 patients to date. Precision therapeutics include bioelectric stimulation protein expression devices and bioelectric enhanced biologics such as Platelet Rich Fibrin, selected exosomes, amniotic membranes, nutrient hydrogel and Wharton’s Jelly. Device therapy protocols may include Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields (PEMF).
Note – Certification may be availability limited in numbers and limited to exclusive territories.
40 Hour Basic Starter Training Program Breakdown